Welcome to the NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRP) Resource Guide. The following materials were prepared by the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute. We hope this information will be useful to you as you navigate the LRP application process!
The NIH Loan Repayment Programs are a set of programs established by Congress, designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals in biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. The program repays up to $35,000 annually of a researcher’s qualified educational debt in return for a commitment to conduct NIH mission-relevant research for at least 20 hours per week for 2 years.
If you have questions, please contact OSRInfo@ucsf.edu.
An online library of successful LRP applications has been created to support UCSF researchers in their grant writing process. It has been made possible by award recipients who have generously offered their work for review by the UCSF community.
I've had a few people now ask me for advice on how to get the @NIH_LRP award. I am going to write a thread, but one *major* thing to keep in mind is that unfortunately, you do not get any feedback or a score on your application. So, it is hard to know how it is reviewed 1/x
— Dr. Stephanie Manasse (@stephmanasse) November 13, 2019