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UCSF Research Development Office (RDO): Grant Templates and Guides: Prepare an application

Required components

Required Application Materials

This table outlines the required sections in a Diversity Supplement application for many NIH ICs. If you are interested in an IC that is not listed here, please email

IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to contact your Program Officer and the Program Officer in charge of Diversity Supplements for your IC before you prepare an application. Application submission can be expedited if investigators work with their UCSF OSR Staff early in the application process.

Application Materials









Education, Training & Career Development Plan or Research, Mentoring, & Career Development Plan

Statement of PI’s Mentoring Track Record


PI Biosketch

PI Biosketch

PI and Candidate Biosketches

Statement of Candidate’s Career Goals

Candidate Biosketch

Candidate Biosketch

Candidate Biosketch

Statement of Candidate Eligibility





Budget Justification


Customized Instructions

Below are instruction summaries for a number of NIH ICs. Content for the instructions were pulled from the program announcement, IC webpages, or communications with the IC's Program Officer. UCSF MyAccess required to view these summaries.

Institute deadlines

Below is a summary of deadlines for Diversity Supplement applications across NIH ICs. At the time this section was prepared (last updated October 2018), the deadlines of the other IC’s were not easily ascertained. Always confirm the IC’s deadline(s) with a Program Officer before you begin a Diversity Supplement application.

IC’s that have discreet deadlines


NCI Diversity Supplements Application Receipt Dates are October 1 – December 1 and February 1 – March 30.


NIAAA has two receipt dates to submit Diversity Supplement Applications with two corresponding funding dates:

  • February 1 receipt date – May 1 first possible award date
  • May 1 receipt date – August 1 first possible award date

Investigators will be notified approximately 6-8 weeks after the application receipt date of their status and be provided feedback on the review discussion.


NIAID receives applications at any time and reviews them approximately four times a year (November, February, April, and May). If you want your application reviewed in one of the four listed months, submit it by the first of the preceding month.

To consider your application for the summer of this calendar year, we have to receive it no later than March 1.

If you are seeking an award before the end of a fiscal year—September 30—we have to receive your application no later than April 1. Applications received after these dates are considered for funding in the next fiscal year. Please keep in mind we usually experience delays in making awards at the beginning of every fiscal year.


Applications are accepted all year round. Applications are reviewed at the end of each review month (from October through June). No applications will be reviewed in July, August, September, or December.

  • Applications must be received before 5:00 PM local time on the 1st business day of the month for the application to be reviewed in the same month.
  • Applications received after the 1st business day of the month will be reviewed at the next scheduled monthly meeting.

Funding decisions will be made three times per year in January, April, and June.

Application Receipt Date

Earliest Start Date

June 2nd to November 1st


November 2nd to March 1st


March 2nd to June 1st



Applications are accepted all year round. However, funding decisions will only be made three times a year, namely by the end of March, June, and December - please see the table below for corresponding receipt date (per NOT-NS-08-004).

Application Receipt Date

Funding Decision

November 16th to February 15th


February 16th to May 15th


August 1st to November 15th



NINR accepts supplement applications three times a year, January 15, April 15, and August 15. 

ICs that offer rolling deadlines (some restrictions apply during summer months)


An application for a new supplement may be submitted at any time. All applications should arrive at least three months before the requested start date to allow time for review. Applications seeking awards before the end of a fiscal year (September 30) must be received no later than May 31. Applications that arrive after this date will be considered for the next fiscal year’s funding.


Applications are reviewed on a monthly cycle, though only once in the summer months (July and August). Generally, new applications are reviewed six to nine weeks after submission, while resubmitted applications are reviewed five to seven weeks after submission.


Administrative supplements applications are accepted year round except from June 1 through October 1.


Applications are typically accepted at any time and award notification is provided within 6 weeks after receiving the application.


NIDCR accepts and reviews applications on a continuous basis until August 1 of each fiscal year.  Applications received after August 1 will be considered for funding in the next fiscal year.


Applications may be submitted at any time and are administratively reviewed within NIGMS on a continuous basis. Funding decisions are generally made within 12 weeks.

Applications submitted in the current fiscal year that receive a favorable review will be funded in the same fiscal year, if funds and time remain available. If funds are no longer available, applications will be held for funding in the following fiscal year, with an earliest start date of November 1.

Applicants requesting supplements to support a summer research experience are strongly encouraged to submit their applications no later than April 1.


Applications may be submitted at any time. Investigators are encouraged to submit applications at least four months prior to the requested start date. Applications for summer-only research appointments are considered on a shorter timeframe and should be submitted at least 10 weeks prior to the requested start date. If seeking an award before the end of a fiscal year (September 30), the application must be received no later than March 30.

Library of successful supplements

Library of successful supplements​

Check out UCSF's library of successful Diversity Supplement proposals.