Here are some activities you might like to start with to get familiar with the data:
1. Discover publications and grants associated with a researcher
(use the "Researcher" filter on the left hand panel in either publications or grants to see results associated with individuals)
2. See where you organization gets its funding from in a specific area
(search by keyword in grants data and then click into the funder information in the Analytics views area)
3. Find out which of your articles has had the most attention from non-academic audiences
(filter to your institution and then sort the publication results by Altmetric Attention Score)
4. Discover which organizations are getting the most funding in a field
(search Grants by keyword and then click into the Analytics views area)
5. Find out which patents are currently under review
(search by keyword and then filter to ‘Pending’ under Legal Status in the left hand filter section on the Patents tab)