Before diving into your search, take a minute to think about what data you are interested in and where it might be located. Review the Library's Information Literacy guide for advice on focusing your topic.
Once I have my topic, then what?
There are many ways to find research data. You can search directly in data repositories, check out the literature to see what data other researchers are citing or try a google search. Depending on your topic one approach might work best or you might need to try all three.
By searching PubMed you can find articles where other researchers have cited or linked to data relevant to your research topic. Here are some tips:
Data repositories are excellent places to search for data, especially if there is a repository for your discipline or data type. Below are some of the most common data repositories relevant to UCSF researchers.
Clinical Data
Social Science & Public Health Data
Biomedical Data
Other Places to Find Data and Data Repositories
Google is a great resource for finding data that is located on government websites as well as in data repositories. Here are some tips for refining your search:
If you are still not finding the data you need consider these other steps: